Wednesday, July 4, 2012

With All Of Your Heart

With All Of Your Heart..
By: Rebecca Sylvia 6/8/2012

Why aren’t we moved? Is His love not enough?
We tell Him He’s great, But do we love Him or His stuff?
Can we honestly say I’m desperate for you?
We sing the words, But are they true?
Why don’t His stories, Still break our hearts?
Are we that fickle? Have we had enough?
Gone to church, So long that we’re cold?
Where is the fire that once made us bold?
Gave us the courage to change our lives?
Not simply listen, Trying to hide.
We’ve been stuck in our ways, So long we can’t see.
Acting as though, We are not free.
We’ve stuck ourselves in a repetitive cage.
Mindless submission, We begin to fade.

Is God truly the greatest good in our lives?
Is that how we treat Him? Give Him our time?
Are we desperate to see Him, look into His face?
Does it over-whelm us at all, To think about grace?
When we are at work throughout the week
Do we seek His presence, Fall at His feet?
When we are at home, What occupies our time?
Do we really love Him? Then step into line.

Do not simply love out of mindless religion.
Give Him your heart out of selfless submission
Isn’t He worthy, To be given all praise?
But we take for granted the depth of His grace.
All that He wants, Thinks of and pursues
Is to share in our talks, our joys, and pursuits
To truly give us what we need
Allowing Him to take the lead.
So is He honestly Lord of our lives?
Point to where that is, Or is that why there’s strife?
Can we really say He consumes our hearts?
That our passion over-whelms and sets us apart?

Oh God, please forgive me for what I’ve become.
For becoming so cold and forgetting your son.
For not longing each day to be nearer to you
For not acting in response to what is long over-due.
I pray that I may see the work of your hands
That I’ll step out a new, In response to your commands.
That I will step out and act upon your word.
Not out of religion, Or like a trained bird.
But out of a passion and longing desire
To simply be near you, So much it spreads like fire.

You are truly amazing, Worthy to be praised.
How can I not, Sing of your grace?
You are holy and good, patient and forgiving.
Without your sweet love, I would not be living.

Shouldn’t that be our response to our Lord?
Deep seeded love, Passionate to our core?
So in love that nothing else matters!
Not like the seed so easily scattered.

Matthew 22:37
“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.”

Psalms 131
“My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.
Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore.”

Psalms 139: 23-24
“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Works, Faith & the Illusion of Perfection

By: Rebecca  Sylvia Dec. 30th, 2010

We've got it all wrong, Somehow it's backwards
Strive for perfection, Thinking it matters.
It's not within us, That comes the source
Good is from Him, And He is our course.
We think if we're good, We get a gold star
Now we've missed the point, Instead we are scarred.
Because we don't poses perfection, It's fake
To think to ourselves, We have what it takes.
It's through Christ we are found, In Him lies a plan
To mend and to make, All that we can't.
If we try on our own, We'll hopelessly fall
Without light it is dark, And we'll run into walls.
We've misunderstood, We've turned things around
Works without faith, This is not sound.
We live like robots, Helpless machines
Without faithfulness or love, How is He seen?
We are called to live in fullness and joy
He has a plan, Lets accept it and enjoy
All of the things He has seen in advance
The work we must do, With faith will enhance
The love that this world, Is meant to know
With God as our source, We can now grow.

The Bird

By Rebecca Sylvia
Bricks lay on each other, I can hardly breathe.
 Being pulled in all directions, I fear of what’s to be. 
In the middle of the ocean, Unable to see the shore.
I cannot swim for long. Will I sink or will I soar?
Like a bird that flies with the wind in his wings.
To see the whole world, I long to be free. 
But the wind is a breeze and my wings are not strong. 
I am still in the ocean, for a bird this feels wrong.  
I should of been living, more than just life.
 I have joy in abundance, but I feel this strife.
I want to be ready, but where do I go? 
I'm running into walls, the lights are so low. 
Circling 'round in the dark, I see a faint hew. 
With a small sense of hope, I'm thankful it's You. 
The walls still surround me, the ocean pours in. 
 It still feels like I'm drowning, but I know that you'll win.


by Rebecca Sylvia Dec. 13th, 2010

For God so loved, What does this mean?
Does anyone care? Or is it a dream?
People seem fake, They don't seem real.
They show us a smile, But don't show how they feel.
What do they feel? What do they need?
Selfish ambitions, All over the screen.
Get what you want, It's the American way.
Kill to get ahead, To see another day.
The pursuit of success, Money, and greed.
Where does it get us? Except deeper in need.
How are we now, To be set apart?
When we don't show love, We no longer take part.
Survive to live, Live to survive.
How can they tell, We're even alive?
We have the answers, We hold the key.
So why do we live, Like we are no longer free.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
But how can we love, When all we seek is wealth.
People are numbers, Not to be seen.
Are worth my time? What does this mean?
God is love, He died for our sin.
When did He say, I'm in it to win?
What is this attitude? I'm right and you're wrong.
If love is what they seek, It won't matter for long.
We'll drive them out, Or push them away.
Or I am just to busy, Is what we will say.
Mirrors hold they guilty, And I am the worst.
So please don't accept, These thoughts as a curse.
But when will we stand, Where is the line?
When do we act, And let our light shine?
We can talk all day long, And feel in our heart.
But what's that to the world, If we don't take part?
We are chosen to love, Because He loves us.
So stand up and love, Shake out the dust.
We're the light of the world, The salt of the earth.
His love is the source, To show them His worth.
We each have our gifts, Unique and divine.
So find what is yours, And step into line.
He wants to make, Our joy complete.
But until we show love, We've got ourselves beat.
Now lets finally stand, Wake up from our slumber.
Remember His love, And show Him our hunger.